A group of us visited Woman Seeking Sanctuary Group in Cardiff to tell them about our campaigning history, what we have achieved so far, how we have done it and to invite them to join us in the next step - a national day of asylum seekers taking action against destitution.
Amie spoke about how when she got involved in Bristol Refugee Rights she was so shy and didn't dare speak out about what was happening but with lots of support, she began to take part in events where she told lots of people what it is like to live without anything - no rights to work, to housing, to a normal life.
Manesh spoke about how he started being allowed to go to college and how it was so important for him to learn to read and write in english. Then they turned round and told him he couldn't. He wanted to change this situation and so spoke out at a protest to stop cuts to english classes. from here he got more and more confident to take part in campaigning.
People listened attentively. They began to ask questions - aren't you scared that home office will punish you for speaking out and that it will jeapordise your case?
We were, but not any more. We know we have a lot of support and feel stronger because of this. We know people will speak out if the Home Office tries to deport any of us.