Wednesday 11 June 2014

Collective power - singing in the streets

The spirit of our march to Cardiff lives on... last night in response to the news that our amazing friend Hussein has been given removal directions to Italy we sang a new lively version of Freedom for Hussein, Freedom for Everyone down the phone and for everyone on the streets of Easton.

In the meeting before we got this news, 20 of us met to share updates on the legal information, educate ourselves on the situation in Italy and plan how to continue the campaign. The energy of these meetings is awesome, and combined with the strength of relationships, i feel a tangible sense of collective growing power.

In the next few hours the UK Supreme court will announce its decision as to whether people can be deported to italy given the near collapse of their asylum system, high levels of racial violence, and high level of destitution of refugees.

Fingers crossed for that one.

Whatever the outcome, we will continue to campaign for Hussein to have the right to remain and claim asylum in the UK.

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